
11 Posts

A Letter to our Friends. In the vastness of the Digital Noise Ocean, we aim to be an Island. Come Visit us :)

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” — Maya Angelou

. . . Your wish will then come true!

Premium Content & Memberships: The "ins and outs" of our approach.

The quality of intent informs the quality of our movement and the quality of our interactions and relationships with our sparring and training partners.

The most miraculous embodiment of life can happen in a kiss, a hug, a step, a reach, a hold, or release. In the simplest and most powerful movement of all, we open our eyes every morning and in a single instant, life fills our minds and spirit, calling us to rise.

This collection of quotes will invite you to a weekly moment of peaceful and emphatic reflection. We hope you’ll love it.

A different way to make our Newsletter YOURS

Weekly Wisdom from Great Thinkers

Bamboo Shoots, Grasshoppers & Inner Sanctuary over a cup of Tea