Quotes for Thoughts #5: CONNECTION

. . . Your wish will then come true!

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December 12, 2024

This week’s quote is a splendid temptation and opportunity for me to flip its meaning and look at it from a different point of view.

“Connection is the energy that is created between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment.”

Brené Brown, Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

This quote beautifully reminds us how we feel when we connect and the powerful sense of validation from which it stems. However, I’d like to invite you all to contemplate it from the “other” side.

We know what connection feels like. We know the kind of empowerment and confidence we experience when we feel acknowledged and validated by our loved ones, by our friends, and by our peers and people we come in contact with.

We know what an amazing and delightful gift it is to be heard, to be seen, to be respected, and to be needed by our family, friends, and community around us.

Knowing all this…

What prevents us from doing it more and more for everyone else around us? What makes us forget how to be a gift who keeps on giving to those with whom WE come in contact throughout our daily lives?

Knowing the power of being acknowledged and validated, can we learn how powerful an agent of change this can be?

We all wish for our lives to be better and for the world to be a better place…so please be as selfish as humanly possible and give the gift of acknowledgement, respect, and love to everyone in your life. It will then lead to kinder people all around, and a better world for you to live in.

Make your wish for a better world come true. Become tireless in seing, hearing, and validating the people around you without judgment and from a place of respect for their being.

...And your wish will then come true.

When it comes to adding goodness to this world through everyday deeds, be unstoppable and unapologetic.

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At KineOasis we are dedicated to the empowerment and creative freedom of our students through the exploration and intelligent study of movement in a relaxed and non-toxic learning environment. We use Movement as a means to naturally empower ourselves and our students, to intervene with development as needed, and to enhance everyone's quality of life. Movement As Sanctuary - A method and teaching philosophy life.

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