January 4th, 2025
Over time, in the span of my life thus far, I noticed how my perception and understanding of time has changed, and I realized that - as I aged - my understanding of its true value reached a visceral, even primal level.
We all know a myriad of quotes about time, from carpe diem to time waits for no one, but time is so intangible that we rarely feel it, truly feel it in our core. We sense its presence, and passing, through an analytical process that only leaves us with a sense of urgency, generally a nagging rush from one day to another, from one task to another.
How do we handle something we cannot touch, but in turn it relentlessly touches us, making us chase it while at the same time the more we rush through it the less we have of it?
“ Let your life lightly dance on the edges of Time like dew on the tip of a leaf. “
Rabindranath Tagore
As one of the greatest poets of all times suggests in this quote, not only that time is what we make of it, but its nature is ephemeral, manifesting scarcely between the material and the immaterial. Life invites us to “be” and to experience “it”, yet it tricks us into believing in our youth that using our time is a quantitative endeavor. It is only much later when we realize - if we do - that it is the qualitative dimension of time which gives life true depth…and value.
Ironically perhaps, time is a wonderful treasure always at our fingertips, yet again and again we keep missing its gifts and promises until we have less and less of it. It is maybe a case where the next quote perfectly applies to what and how we should approach time, our time - time as life.
“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” — Maya Angelou
And now you know…
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At KineOasis we are dedicated to the empowerment and creative freedom of our students through the exploration and intelligent study of movement in a relaxed and non-toxic learning environment. We use Movement as a means to naturally empower ourselves and our students, to intervene with development as needed, and to enhance everyone's quality of life. Movement As Sanctuary - A method and teaching philosophy life.
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