Quotes for Thoughts Collection #2

This collection of quotes will invite you to a weekly moment of peaceful and emphatic reflection. We hope you’ll love it.

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November 15th, 2024

I love this one because I can interpret and adapt it to my own practice, when I train. In my classes, although I play, my play is always serious - diving deep into minute details and changes involved. For me, to keep a “generosity of soul” means to be giving in my presence, to BE THERE, fully present, in mind, body, and spirit - which means to be empathically and compassionately engaged.

Next, sincerity and earnestness go hand in hand. One must be diligent in their actions and diligence requires sincerity about what we do, how we do it, and especially why we do what we do that way.

Kindness…is a choice to make even when we do not feel kind on the inside. Kindness is to see the world around in its full complexity of trials and errors and to place ourselves in the position of understanding that we all travel on our own journeys and write our own stories. Kindness is seeing the vulnerability of all beings and choosing to protect instead of harm. To me, this is what Confucius meant in the quote below.

"To practice five things under all circumstances constitutes perfect virtue; these five are gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness."


Quotes for Thoughts is an expression of wisdom and compassion expressed through the words of brilliant minds. This collection of quotes will invite you to a weekly moment of peaceful and empathic reflection. We hope you’ll love it.

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