Quotes for Thoughts #4: Full Speed Ahead

When it comes to knowledge, be bold, be greedy, and be brave.

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I often talk to my kids about the value - and power - of passion, of going “full on” when engaging in any activity, and especially in any creative endeavor - movement included.

"If you are interested in something, no matter what it is, go at it at full speed ahead. Embrace it with both arms, hug it, love it and above all become passionate about it".

Roald Dahl

One great reason to do so is because when we invest ourselves and boldly dive deep into what we do, we also open ourselves up to a slew of new feelings and sensations as well as new ideas and concepts.

I always say that we, humans, should lean on the side of caution when it comes to greed, but by all means - in our quest for knowledge we should be always greedy, insatiably greedy.

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At KineOasis we are dedicated to the empowerment and creative freedom of our students through the exploration and intelligent study of movement in a relaxed and non-toxic learning environment. We use Movement as a means to naturally empower ourselves and our students, to intervene with development as needed, and to enhance everyone's quality of life. Movement As Sanctuary - A method and teaching philosophy life.

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